Monday, March 31, 2008

Amazing Ah-Beng

(Act 1)
Ah Beng calls the telephone operator:
Ah Beng: "Could you please tell me the time difference between Singapore and New York?"
Operator: "Just a minute..."
Ah Beng: "Thank you."Ah Beng got his answer and cut off the line.
(Act 2)
At a bar in New York, the man sat next to Ah Beng told the bartender, "JOHNNIE WALKER, SINGLE."and his companion said, "JACK DANIELS,SINGLE." The bartender turned to Ah Beng and asked, "AND YOU, SIR?"
Ah Beng replied: "Tan Ah Beng, MARRIED."
(Act 3)
After completing a jigsaw puzzle he'd been working on for quite sometime, Ah Beng proudly shows off the finished puzzle to a friend."It took me only 5 MONTHS to do it," Ah Beng said."
FIVE MONTHS? Why did you take so long." the friend asked.
Ah Beng replied, "No, it is not long at all, look at the box, it says it is for 4 to 7 years".
(Act 4)
Ah Beng took part in the Singapore Manhunt Competition. During the Q&A segment, the host asks, "Name a drink that begins with the letter 'G'."
The crowd shouts, "Gin! Gin!". Others exclaim, "No, its Grape Juice!"Another smart aleck yells, "Alamak, Gatorade!"
Host : "Quiet please."
Ah Beng laughs hysterically like a hyena before replying, "C'mon man, I don't need their help? I got more original answer. My answer is "Gu ni!" (milk in Hokkien)
(Act 5)
Ah Beng had just bought a new computer and was using it when he encountered some problems. After a few attempts, he decided to use the 'Help' command. Soon after, he became very irritated and called the computer shop for support.
Ah Beng : "I pressed the 'F1' key for help... but it's been over half an hour & still nobody has come to help me...."
(Act 6)
In the class.Teacher: "Class, do you know the meaning of parents?"
Ah Beng: "Yes, teacher, it means father and mother"
Teacher: "Good. Can you give me an example?"
Ah Beng: "Sure. Cowboy's parents means cowboy's father andmother. Also can say Cowboy's father is Cow Pay andCowboy's mother is Cow Boo.So if they walk together, we can say they are 'Cow PayCow Boo'".
(Act 7)
Ah Beng with two red ears went to his doctor. The doctor asked him what had happened to his ears and he answered," I was ironing a shirt and the phone ring lor- but instead of picking up the phone, I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear. So Kena lor!"
"Oh Dear!" the doctor exclaimed in disbelief. "But, what happened to the other ear?"
Ah Beng: "That stupid fellow called back again loh!"
(Act 8)
Why did Ah Beng go to a movie with his 18 friends?
Because according to the advertisement, below 18 is not allowed to go in.
(Joke forwarded by a friend)

Sunday, March 30, 2008

yummy 好吃!

广宁客的特色是他们的粽子四四方方的, 像枕头, 所以又叫枕头粽. 平常看到的粽子是用竹叶或是粽叶裹的, 可是广宁客的枕头粽所用的叶子不一样, 它的形状像黄姜叶, 大大片的, 所以裹出来的粽子不一样.
我们家的粽子有一点不一样的是不是死板板的四方形, 而是多了一粒小山丘, 有点像肚腩 ; ))
在我家不一定要等冬至才吃汤圆, 端午节才吃粽子, 想吃就买材料动手做, 所以要吃什么随时都可以吃到 : ))
材料: 糯米 (加入适量的盐 + 食油), 花生, 糜豆, 肉 (最好三层肉, 全肥或全瘦都不好吃), 虾米 (炒香混入胡椒粉&少许橙皮碎), 香菇, 红葱,
忙了一整天, 粽子终于煮熟了.
本来是等过几天才裹, 用来清明节祭拜祖先的, 可是等不及, 呵呵...... 祭了我的五脏庙先 ;p
wahlao... !! 真的不是开玩笑的好吃!
** 别人家的粽子放的料不大一样, 我还是觉得我家的是天下无敌最最最棒的 :D

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Recycle ~ lol

One day Lee Kwan Yew went to Thailand and had lobster at the dinner with the Thai King.
After Lee finished, he asked the King:
Lee : Your Highness, what can you do with this lobster skin?
King : We cannot do anything with it, we just throw away.
Lee : Oh, no. In our country, we send it to the factory and produce some prawn cracker.
Then Lee had an orange. After he finished, he asked the King.
Lee : What can you do with the orange skin?
King : We cannot do anything. We just throw away.
Lee : Oh, no. In Singapore, we send it to the factory and produce some orange jam.
Then Lee asked for some chewing gum. After he finished, he put on the plate and asked the King.
Lee : What can you do with the chewing gum?
King : Oh, no. We just throw it away.
Lee : In Singapore, we send it to the factory and produce condoms and send it to Thailand.
Lee said good bye to the King and the King asked Lee.
King : What can you do with the condom when you finish using it?
Lee : We cannot do anything. We throw it away.
King: In Thailand when we finish using the condom, we send it to the factory to produce chewing gum and send it back to Singapore.

My 1st Anniversary

一年了, 不知不觉做了一年老猪, 每天就是这样混日子.
讨厌讨厌 (>_<) 星期六还要去学校, 毁了我的周末心情害我不能睡到自然醒.
10点多从学校回来喝了杯咖啡, 还是顶不住, 不到几下就倒下了 zzzzzzzz .......................
一觉睡到5点.. 过瘾.
醒来, 运动. 跑了大概有7 ~ 8 公里, 爽!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Thanks, Bee. It Came at The Right Time

前阵子经历了人生的低潮, 情绪很低落, 好友forward的一则电邮来得正是时候:

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.

They may seem like a godsend and they are.

They are there for the reason you need them to be.

Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.

Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.

Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.

What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done.

The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.

They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.

They may teach you something you have never done.

They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.

Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.

Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.

It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
是的. 2个月前她失去了最宝贵的东西, 坐了6-7个小时的车来Sibu, 而我, 在失意的那段时间, 她的家也成了我的避风港.

我的Bak Kut Teh真不是盖的

心血来潮, 熬了一锅Bak Kut Teh. 尝了尝, 哇! 我的妈呀, 一级棒! 真的好料! 比出外吃的好味几百倍. 哇哈哈哈!!!
有了上一次恐怖的经验后, 再也不敢在Sibu吃Bak Kut Teh了... 现在想起还觉得恶心...
呵呵... 自己熬更美味 ;p

Thursday, March 27, 2008


来到这学校快3个月了. 3个月未足就已被派发任务训练运动带校队比赛. 欣慰的是, 教的是下午班, 可是不知道为什么的平时没什么交流也可以和早上班的学生混得很癫.
过2天就是踏入教学界的一周年了, 不知不觉的, 难怪人家说岁月不饶人. 这一行虽然没什么刺激性,
无聊无趣, 偶尔confuse一下学生也很^ ^

Hard days B4 Sweet times

Hate Thursdays & Fridays.Thursdays are Batik day.
Never like the F***ing fancy flowerly fabric putting on my body, and the outfits are all made in M**** style some more.
Shit! NOT my TASTE.
Used to like Fridays as Friday means WEEKEND is just a few hours to come. Friday nights are FUN time + CRAZY hours where the night is always tooooo SHORT.
BUT ...
: (((
4 periods after recess is really killing ME!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


可能是上辈子亏欠了他, 伤了他, 带着那份怨, 这辈子让她认识了他, 让他撕碎了她的心, 被他推进了黑暗的地狱.
可是她没后悔认识了他, 如果时光可以再重来, 她还会做出同样的选择.
身边的朋友都骂她苯, 骂她心太软, 说她好心没好报, 付出了一颗真心却遭负心,
可是她, 虽然遍体鳞伤心魂落魄又泪又累, 她还是无怨无悔.
人家说, 人与人都有解不开的缘分所以才有那种机缘相遇相识. 善缘, 让我们遇到知己朋友贵人, 恶缘是我们身边的仇家小人. 恶缘善缘皆因前世所积, 种什么因得 什么果.

如果注定了要为他所伤, 她认了. 泪, 继续流, 伤, 痛麻了...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Wretched Darling

I look into her eyes
Red, holding with tears
Her mouth trembling
Yet, she refuses to let the tears roll down
Yet, she couldn’t weep
Oh dear, “What have become of you?” I ask
Shaking her head, “Nothing, nothing,” says she
A broken heart, a wretched soul she bears
Oh dear, what has become of her?
The colours gone, soul wanders, mind emptied
Oh dear, how heartrending I feel looking at her
Oh, I wish I could comfort her
Brush away her gloomy days
Rainbow and roses I bring to her
Up to heaven I take her
Hold her in my hands, I treasure her
Dear, my Darling, my Dear,
“Shush.. shush…” say I
Gently I soothe her, closely I hold her
Oh dear, my Dear, I wish I could clear away her sorrow

Monday, March 24, 2008


生性粗枝大叶, 所以擦伤刮伤跌伤割伤是难免. 身边的人都摇头不解长这么大了还不懂得照顾好自己.
没法啦, 谁叫自己就是这么粗心 : (((
有尝试过小心翼翼的, 可是越是小心就越是不小心, 身上总是带着大大小小的伤疤, 一道未好就添多了另一道.
所以, 以后如果有什么三长两短, 就靠身上的疤痕来认领, 即省时又省功夫 :p

Sunday, March 23, 2008

有很长的一段时间没挺胸昂头了. 挫折给了她很大的打击. 总是抬不起头. 没有了以前的意气风发, 没有了以前饱饱的自信, 也没了以前的活泼爱闹. 感觉, 就像一夜间老了许多.
爱逗她吵嘴的同事都自找没趣, 那个爱车大炮的无厘头小妹变认真了; 周围的人都惊讶那个出 "串"的 鬼头吃错了什么药, 竟然收身养性, 不再古灵精怪了; 家人也摸不着头脑那个外向爽朗的女儿也会足不出户.

当然, 她也知道一时的挫折并不代表一世的失败, 但那伤口是如此的深, 疤痕结得又丑又大, 那创伤, 不是一朝一夕可以痊愈的.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


各方面的压力逼得我喘不过气来, 所以选择了逃避, 选择了违抗.
敢敢收拾了包裹买了张票就走人. 这样的离开, 管他会有什么后果!
没有black and white的职务我不接;
I have had enough! Why can't I say NO?
明明是可以选择的, 为什么不给我选择的余地? 为什么大家都当我是固执不成熟的小孩? 只不过不要做不想做的事罢了, 难道有错吗?
讨厌! 讨厌! 讨厌! 所以不顾一切走人. 反正, 没有official的通告我不需要负上什么责任.
人走了不知去向, 手机也关了, 想必气爆了很多人.
这样的做法, 当然很不负责任也不可认同, 但, 如果没有逃跑, 我一定会疯掉, 因为, 他们不知道我刚经历了什么. 我需要的是空间和冷静, 不走的话我真的怕我会受不了. 我真的需要...
如今, 回来了, 要面对的, 是大家责备的心理. 而这些大家, 是生活中举足轻重的人物, 在他们眼中我永远都没长大的一些长者.
被训斥是难免的了. 该面对的逃不了. 死就死吧!

蓦然昂首, 我看见了双彩虹

午后下了一场长命雨, 凉凉的空气, 睡觉是最适合不过的了.
睡了将近4个小时醒来, 雨, 还在下着.
有一个怪习惯, 就是喜欢坐在窗前或走廊看雨景沉思. 雨点滴答滴答的, 它透视不了也不会出卖不想让人知的心事.
偶然的, 黄昏时抬头一望, 在碘蓝的天空看见了2道彩虹.

Friday, March 21, 2008

你好吗? 我很好.

你好吗? 我很好.
公式化的问候, 公式化的回应.
不要以为我很好, 不要羡慕我,
有多少心酸, 你不懂,
有多少创伤, 你不知晓,
有多少苦楚, 你不明了,
泪水, 往肚里吞,
伤痛, 咬牙忍受,
苦愁, 独醉沉沦,
你看见的我, 不是完全的我,
你看不见我的血, 我的泪, 我的伤, 我的愁,
光鲜的扮装, 开朗的伪装, 自信的武装,
程献给所有的人, 如大家所愿...

Thursday, March 20, 2008


她知道她和他是不可能的了, 可是她却忍不住的要关心他.
傻吗? 痴吗?
她也不知道. 只知道她还在乎. 她希望他过得好.

我的宝贝 = 别人的财神爷

我的宝贝其实是别人的财神爷来的. 买回来的第二个星期天开了万字头奖, 昨晚又是多多的第二奖.
结果今天7早8早被人吵醒, 问我有中吗?
拜托! 当然有中啦, 都开出来了, 不中?

只是没买罢了 : ((((
横财啦! 好运就中, 没运就不中咯. 而且, 虽然我很注意号码, 但也不是常常买号码的人, 只有有时心血来潮才买的, 都没中过.
况且我也不是好运之人, 一生中从来没有好运过.
好事不轮到我的啦. 曾经以为自己很幸运, 结果吃了白果, 失意了很久很久, 差点闹出大事来 : ((((


不明白. 难道在凹凸不平的道路上驾驶已成为诗巫人的一种文化吗? 不然, 为什们没有人埋怨, 没有人投诉那百孔千疮的道路?
不明白, 为什么铺平了的道路没过几天又要被挖几个洞做什么工程, 然后再铺得不高不低的像贴药膏一样?
不明白, 抛开西马的不说, 就谈古晋和美里, 为什么他们的马路可以做得那么好, 那么平坦而我们的一定要洞孔多多的?
难道在这样的情况下开车不会觉得烦躁吗? 车子总是摇着晃着在崎岖的公路上驶着不心痛吗? 大洞小洞的, 轮胎不会容易破吗? 修理不需要钱吗? 更重要的是, 这样的道路容易造成意外, 难道不知道吗?
外地的朋友都说来诗巫开车如果音响开个full blast 感觉像处身在disco一样, 坐在车子里又是震 又是跳的, 庆幸的是没有震到晕车吐了满地, 也幸好没有被抛出车外.
也有人说感觉像骑马一样. 也难怪, 马路嘛, 当然是满路石子, 尘土飞扬, 车子驶过就如万马奔腾, 飞沙滚滚的啦!
还说要升格为市, 这样的情况真是丢脸到家了.

唉...算了. 可能是我太过radical了吧, 所以才会诸多不满, 所以才觉得这个地方sucks, 自己跟这里格格不入. 人家其他人都满于现状了, 我还挑什么?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


A long-lost old friend called. Unexpected.
Seperated since he graduated from university. Used to take good care of me whenever we were training for games or going for competitions. Really appreciate him.
What is it? Is it a kind of Friendship Month? Else why are there so many old friends contacted?
Glad to hear that everyone is doing well.


一个月了, 整整一个月, 她都过着锥心刺骨的日子.
她永远也不会忘记那一天, 那一日,
她, 从此跌进了深渊, 冷冷的, 暗暗的,
没有一天不牵挂, 没有一夜不思念,
以为时间可以冲淡一切, 以为可以忘掉, 却没想到更煎熬.
她, 消沉了.她,忧伤了.


曾经, 有一个朋友说认识了他, 恶运也跟着而来. 因为 一向都有运动的我, 是公认的健康宝宝, 鲜少生病. 认识了那个朋友之后, 也不知道为什么的, 虽然还有保持运动, 却又常常生病. 所以, 他总是又担心又自责, 又关心又罗嗦, 说他带衰我什么的一大堆废话.
最近跟那位朋友少了联络, 如果照他所说的那样认识他是恶运的开始, 那么没有联络了理应会平平安安健健康康的, 可是事实却刚刚相反.
病, 反而更频繁了,
旧病未 愈新病递增,
机器久了旧了也会损, 需要维修, 不是吗?

Monday, March 17, 2008



Sunday, March 16, 2008


他走了, 不留一句, 不留一字
带走了的她心, 她的魂

心远了, 留不住, 唤不回

天灰了, 沉沉的, 阴阴的
阳光, 很远很远

没有他的日子, 剩下的只有空壳
没有他的日子, 无法思考, 不能完整
心, 已随他而去, 而破碎
魂, 已落魄, 已堕落
思的, 都是与他的回忆
念的, 都是曾经的种种

带走了的心, 再也没有开心起来的理由
爱作怪的她, 爱上了沉默, 爱上了孤独
陪伴她的, 只有过往的点滴
乐观自信的,她 尝到了泪水的滋味, 咸咸的, 涩涩的
哀伤了, 叹气了, 忧郁了

天空, 总是有阴又雨
厚厚灰灰的云, 装着惆怅, 带来了落寞

Leave Me Alone

对人, 对事, 对一切一切.
才发现自己不是自己的主人, 连主宰自己的命运都有困难.
做自己想做的事, 旁人却诸多言语.
为什么总是不能放手? 为什么总是不放心?
不喜欢, 不喜欢...
难道, 拒绝有错吗?
只不过是不想做不喜欢做的事罢了, 这样都不对吗?
为什么大家都认为那是任性? 为什么都说不应该那样做?
如果是这样的话, 那么, 活着 又有什么意义?

Friday, March 14, 2008


阔别了13年的朋友, 重逢了, 是什么样的感觉?
有人说, 都13年了, 什么友情都淡了, 没什么话说了吧?
有人说, 没什么, 还不是一样?

最近与一位消失了13年的朋友重逢了, 本来也应该是' 没什么' 的心态, 毕竟他比较年长3年, 认识他时跟他也不是很friend, 而且因为年龄的关系他与其他senior都爱逗弄我, 总是被他们吃得死死的, 所以交情不是说很死党的那一种.

可是也不知道我们是怎么了, 他竟然自动的联络上了, 而且, 也不知搞什么的, 大家都可以东南西北无所不谈, 聊得很开心.

连自己也吓了一跳, 以前都没有这么多话题的, 为什么会可以聊通宵的?

wahlao.... 我们几时开始这么friend去?

这让我想起了某某诗人的名句 ~ ~ 有朋自远方来, 不亦乐乎.

这次的重逢, 让我知道自己从来就不曾被遗忘, 也让我学会了珍惜身边的每一个人.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


虽说命是自己的, 命运自己掌控,
什么职务, 什么责任, 通通都去死吧!
不公平! 不公平!!

Monday, March 10, 2008


要放下, 不容易.
感情付出了, 收不回;
回忆, 不是可以轻易沫灭的;
爱了, 就爱了.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Love is Blue - L'amour Est Bleu - by Andy Williams

Blue, blue, my world is blue
Blue is my world now I'm without you
Gray, gray, my life is gray
Cold is my heart since you went away

Red, red, my eyes are red
Crying for you alone in my bed
Green, green, my jealous heart
I doubted you and now we're apart

When we met how the bright sun shone
Then love died, now the rainbow is gone

Black, black, the nights I've known
Longing for you so lost and alone

Women of the World

International Women's Day - March 08

Learn some expressions on women:

More News about 12th Election?


最气也最快活不过为人民了, 因为:

1. 可以坐观候选人你插我一枪,我捅你一刀的面景,也顺便知晓那些政治人物的不为人知丑陋的一面;
2. 生活环境大大的改善,为了讨好民心,有关人士特别努力,补路,通沟渠,拨款建校,等等等等...有大选,才有改善;
3. 呵呵....可以有半天的假,不必上班 :)))





您的选择, 关乎您的未来5年.

5年, 不容易
5年, 不短
5年, 不是5天, 也不是5小时
选错了, 受害者可是自己...