Monday, April 28, 2008


原来,身为女人, 不必懂很多才会幸福有人疼。 看看周围的朋友同事, 比自己幸福很多很多。 反倒自己, 可能是真的太耀眼, 也有几分本事了,所以才落到孤独的下场。
一个马来男同事说,像我这样的一个女人会让人觉得有压力。 我的天! 跟我做同事也会因为我所有的而有压力!
别人的评语,通常都会很大方的接受, 还会嘻哈搞笑一顿。
不过, 听了他的评价,真的很伤心。
没有一个女人不需要被疼爱, 没有一个女人不需要被呵护, 可是, 有多少人会明白,路边的野草得靠自己的力量生存?没有人施肥灌溉,没有可以避挡暴风雨的地方只得坚强的靠自己的能力去争取, 有多少人可以理解?
所以, 虽然很心痛,只能怪自己不够娇弱,不得怪他人。如果自己可以笨一点, 没用一点,做作一点, 可能会比较可爱, 比较惹人疼惹人爱。


Amanda said...

Dear fren...
We're not much of a difference eh..??
Well, of coz, u're prettier than me lah.. haha...
I too sometimes wonder whether I should, like, tone down a little, pretend to be a little stupider, pretend to be less alert, pretend to be softer, pretend not to be my real self, then maybe I'll find someone who would wanna protect and love me more...
haha.. but.. neh.. I still like my own self now.. love myself rather than waiting for love from others.. hahaha...

Anonymous said...

well, what to do? if those species aren't like that, then they aren't called MEN; and if we weren't the way we are, then we wouldn't be what we are or who we are! to me, those are BRAINLESS and i wish those men GOOD LUCK as they FANCY female with those QUALITIES. Like those chauvanistic pigs who prefer to marry women whose qualities are much lower than theirs, they had better go to hell earlier.

calleigh-小咪 said...

haha, you're quite right, i like it.