Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I Care NOT

Really don’t know what has happened to me. God! Again! Don’t even notice it has been raining for so long!
Something really WRONG… but can’t figure out what has gone wrong.
Perhaps I am just ignorant, not for me to care about.
What for? None of my business.
Yeah, I know I may seem too indulged in my own anguish; I may be indifferent that I care less. I know this is not the type of attitude to have.
Still wounded. Who helps me? Is there anyone?
No, never mind… I don’t expect anyone as I dare NOT trust anymore. Trusting means SELF-KILLING. So, let me have my own way.
I don’t even care for myself, why should I care for others?
I DON’T give a Damn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like you're pissed, pal